Yasaka Shrine
117 Simodai Nakazato Tateyama City
God: Takehayasusanounomikoto
Regular festival day August 9th
In the past, the enshrined deity was also called "Gozetennou
or Tennosou”. In the precincts, a ridge plate from 1736, a chezui stone and three chikara stones from 1773 remain, and although the date of its construction is unknown, there are many historical sites from the mid-Edo period. Behind the shrine building, there is a Koshin Tower carved with a blue-faced Kongo statue, a stone shrine to Emperor Gozu, and a small shrine to Sengen-sama, all of which show the depth of their faith.

The mikoshi festival, which is held by all 40 households of the ward, is carried out on August 9th and 10th every year, and the mikoshi is passed around every house in the ward. It is said that in the past, people departed from Yasaka Shrine on August 9th, headed to Awa Shrine, stayed at Okariya, and the next day went to the Aihama coast.

There is an ink inscription of “Mikoshi remodeling” in the 30th year of Meiji in the body of the shrine of Yasaka Shrine. From this inscription, it seems that Nakazato had a mikoshi before the 30th century of the Meiji era, and that the mikoshi was extensively remodeled with the involvement of carpenters, carvers, hardware makers, and painters. It is a stately mikoshi with a sculpture by Goto Ribei Tachibana Yoshimitsu.

Tateyama City Kanbe Historical Exploration (Southern Area) Map